the fabulous world of the outrageousminx

Tuesday, June 29, 2004


WHOA!!! My, my, and MY!! Quite the flurry of activity re: the JS saga posting. Minxes of the world unite!! Am pleased by the outrage pouring forth at my misplaced choice of amorous admiration! Am truly touched that you all care. Well-to answer some questions/address concerns.

1-yes-have told JS that am not interested in him as a love interest. Replied to intial email with "so-I guess I should hold off on ordering the wedding dress then", followed by saying that I just was asking to hang out as friends and not otherwise (which is true). Have been a straight shooter and matched him (as much as is possible for someone with my wit) in boring formality of emails.

Though I find him extremely attractive and fascinating, I am very easy going about that type of thing. And am in NO rush to be in another relationship. Am happy to get to know him as a friend, as am wanting to see what makes him tick. Truth told, he reminds me an awful lot of someone I knew and loved in college, pre-DMX. Besides, have not posted info. that indicates that he is as fascinated by me as I am by him. There are other incidents that show his more caring side and his desire to get to know me better. I am not defending him--am still very wary of his duplicity and know that he is a fuckwit and playa extraordinaire. I am not being deliberately stupid...even I can see when a guy is giving the my natural tendency to assume it. Given this, I do think that we can become friends...and good ones at that.

2-He is not as bad as DMX. Yes-I can and will do better than him...and you will be happy to know that he is not the ONLY one on my radar screen. That said, I do have an occasional crush on comes and goes. Also, much of what is written is not so much what I am feeling now-but more to let you know what I was feeling THEN.

I do get sucked in now because I just want to see what the fuss is about... Like most things, am afraid it will be a severe letdown (a la Star Wars prequels)-but it is still something that I need to experience myself. Besides, I need fodder for my column-right?

I also DO want to be friends with him. I have a "once bitten twice shy" experience with a man of exact background and similar flirtatious nature...and he was one of my closest friends. The friend and I also had some awkward moments of should we/shouldn't we--but in order to preserve friendship-we never did. I have been through this before, and have no desire to go through it again. I am encouraged by the feelings that JS has resurrected in me, though, and grateful for his presence during a difficult time. It is comforting to know that I have the ability to love again--and that one can be a teenager at any age. Was a late bloomer apparently.

3-Don't worry about harshness of remarks--this is our space to say whatever the hell we want. I understand your concern about me being into him/infatuated when he is not...but rest assured that I am not going to pull a Juliet over him. I do like him, but am also not going to be devastated at this point if he doesn't write back. I DO get extremely annoyed though when I am expecting a response and I don't get one. This is nothing unique to JS--it is just a pet peeve. I hope I have convinced you-but if not-I promise to be careful. Besides, can one get their heart broken if it is not the heart, but the mind that is more involved?

4-We will wait and see. Fear not my fellow minxes (can only assume you are minxes--due to outrage), I am not as badly off as I may seem. Much is being done for effect, though there are days when I act my obsessive teenage best. I would not, under any circumstances, put myself in a position of being hurt or damaged by a fuckwit like JS. JS is in FL and who knows if/when we will hear from him. Rest assured, though, that if there are any new developments, you all will hear about it.


Outrageous Minx

ps-Thanx for the compliments on my writing. I speak EXACTLY the same way as I write--so if any of you minxes work for sitcoms/newpapers/etc. and need a fresh voice-throw some work my way! Otherwise, please continue to enjoy! I have some new ones coming soon--my mind works much quicker than I can type!

pps-If any of you know fabulous single men who can match me in wit, charm and fun...please send them my way! I promise to be nice...and yes, I will most definitely kiss and tell.


Okay, so you are wondering what happened, right? Well, I did write back to the quasi-religious email and we continued to email back in forth for a few weeks (we live in the same city, mind you, so it is a bit odd). Nothing even remotely flirtatious; his email manner is formal and professional, at best. So I didn’t mind too much when he disappeared.

One fine week in May, ghosts of the past came back to haunt...people who I hadn’t spoken to in years had somehow all conspired to get in touch with me. JS was no exception. He reappeared into my life almost two months later with a brilliant one liner: “How’s it going?”

Now that the spell had been broken, I was able to be a little more like myself. I replied back saying how his prolonged absence made me think he didn’t love me anymore. The games began. In one of his emails, he gave me the exact address of his office. He has set up a private practice, (a daring move for someone fresh out of school, if you ask me) and I asked him about it. Rather than saying, oh-it is in this part of town; he gave me directions and exact street address. Is he hoping that I send delinquent Indian kids to him so he can defend them? Batwoman thinks it is a not-so-subtle hint to visit…but I am not falling for that one! Many a stupid mistake have been made by girls due to misinterpretation…and I don’t want to be that girl (again!).

After a flurry of yet more emails, JS fell out of my life. Do you see the pattern? That is, until we passed the bar exam. He wrote a congratulatory email, complete with an invitation to celebrate over Indian food, as well as a line promising to reply to my last email in person over Indian food. Since that time, I have been out of town for weeks at a time, and he has been busy or not getting my emails. He had told me about his brother's film (to which I went), but he wasn't there. Turns out, he didn't know that I was going-he didn't get the email. I believe him too, because more trustworthy sorts have complained that they didn't get emails.

Anyway, the last email was sent by me-inviting him to see Fahrenheit 911 (the quintessential non-date date movie for Bush haters!) He replied that he was going out of town to visit family, but added a line saying “another movie or another time?” Methinks this is a blow-off, but others disagree. Would appreciate any opinions. It is now a waiting game again. He will write if he wants to hang out. Ball is in his court now.

In fact, this whole thing is like a tennis match-with both us lobbing emails at each other, hoping that the other will just hit it and take an affirmative step. No one has scored or done anything. And isn't it slightly discouraging to note that when both are at zero--only then is there love on both sides?

I don't know what to think. I wonder why he bothers. He is clearly NOT interested in me in a romantic sense...because he SAID so. But even his prolonged absences over email indicate no interest at all, even in being friends. But then why doesn't he just disappear completely? He has opportunity to do so...and then why keep suggesting that we meet up for Indian food. Am confused. Have lost once mind-blowing ability to uderstand men and how they think. Feel like a superhero stripped of superpowers. I must say that I am completely clueless. Help me!!


This chapter is about my absolutely DIVINE, and delicious love interest du jour, JS, to whom I have so tantalizingly alluded to in an earlier posting. (And no, I am not so predictable as to use his INITIALS to describe him…so if you have the same initials-rest your pretty little heads--it is NOT you!). So, reader, the agonizing wait is over—the elusive JS finally makes his appearance. My dearest male readers, you may want to selectively filter-as excessive female gushing and misinterpretation is going to be the pervasive theme of this posting.

Our story begins on Dec. 26th, 2003. I was still trying to (unsuccessfully) work things out with DMX, my Dad’s ticker was still ticking away like a time bomb waiting to go off, and I had just started my first of a series of bar review courses. Things were relatively calm, or as calm as life ever is for me. JS appeared in my life like a belated christmas prezzy. Truth be told, though, I hardly noticed JS…except to note his disastrous fashion sense. FASHION POLICE…911!!!

He swaggered in, in true playa style, clad in what can only be described as the most ghetto-fabulous monstrosity of a tracksuit. Try your Kodak best to picture it: Gray, baggy, Sean Jean sweatsuit nightmare, with logo blazing, of course, teamed with the most ostentatious of kicks…lurid red and gray striped, with plastic decals on it. Ugh. Even his stunning dark and handsome looks could not redeem him from this fashion train wreck. The reason for my lack of interest was more than his questionable fashion sense; it was the fact that DMX was still in the picture at that point. Contrary to popular belief, I AM a one-man kind of woman…and extremely faithful; Plus, (idiot that I am), I WAS still trying to work things out. That, more than anything, prevented me from truly noticing what an exquisitely superior creature JS was.

I DID manage notice a bit during that weeklong course, after all, am not blind. The enormous zip-lock bags full of PBJ sandwiches (how CUTE! My heart had already started to melt at the sight of that). Not to mention his bizarre habit of WATCHING me…and I don’t mean staring. Just watching, as if I was some amusing program on TV. More often than not, when he was watching during the breaks, I would be on the phone with DMX, intermittently crying or laughing. He would watch-I would narrow my eyes at him, and start hissing into the phone in Hindi, as clever comprehension prevention/deterrent tactic. Of course, he wasn’t fazed by any of this, and merely would pull out a sandwich from his limitless supply and continue to watch. I should have offered him popcorn…

Let us take a small pause before continuing to describe the tasty morsel that is known as JS. He is two out of three: meaning, the dark, and handsome-but not the tall. He is not troll short, but about a 5’9/5’10—which, for my 5’6 height, isn't that tall. He cleans up REALLY nicely, and he smells DAMN good. You just want to do obscene things to him on the spot. Oh-and he was once spotted moisturizing (awwww!!!)…quite the metrosexual in some ways.

He sometimes, depending on degree of thugishness, sports a goatee, and sometimes is baby-bottom smooth clean-shaven. Either way, he is immaculately groomed and is in no way, a member of the grunge movement.

He has thick, dark, shiny hair, which I like cropped short, and these amazingly twinkling, bottomless-abyss-like eyes, which are fringed by these long, perfect lashes. Think cow lashes. Ah…those eyes…they are like these shiny black gems glinting with naughtiness and kindness. Just looking at him, you can tell that, though outwardly a bad boy, he is inherently good. Or maybe I am just stupid; or so deep in smit (aka smitten) that I can't SEE straight anymore.

And let me also please share my own pathetic behavior around him. I hang my head in shame, as outrageous minxes around the world shake their heads in disapproval. Is completely foreign territory for me: I melt. I sigh. I swoon. I am pathetic. I know.
You know the term ‘weak in the knees”? Well-it fuckin’ happens! Who knew? I just thought it was bad Hollywood dialogue; turns out, it is a serious affliction.

Now, people, I have game. Seriously. Even as a gawky adolescent, I ALWAYS managed to get the guy (getting him to kiss me/be interested in me as MORE than his best friend was another problem), but I could always talk to them, flirt like a champ, and make myself completely indispensable to their lives. I am the Mohammed Ali of flirtation…except with this one.

If he spoke to me, I would morph into the fuckin’ Rain Man—sputtering out God-Knows-What, and looking down instead of AT him. I would become a blathering idiot around him-blushing (and you KNOW how hard it is for Indians to do that!), and just getting so shy. Meanwhile, with everyone else, I was my usual irresistible self, waxing poetic on my little stage, entertaining and charming the knickers off of everyone. Based on my idiotic behavior, he either knew how deep in smit I was, or he thought I just hated him. I had moments when I did alright, but for the most part, I was a bloody shame.

Anyway-I will spare you the boring details of what happened/didn’t happen during the six-week course. But there are a few memorable highlights to mention, just so you get why I am completely and utterly confused by him. In a nutshell, kisses were blown (by him), hugs given (by him), glances exchanged; I was teased, sweet-talked to, and smiled at…not to mention being watched. And he loves my banana bread.

However, I was also blown off, ignored, given the look of death and deliberately provoked. In between, without my even knowing, I found myself deep in smit over JS. Around the same time, Dad’s time bomb went off, I told DMX to fuck off, and I was trying to study for my Bar exam. Amazing repertoire of emotions, right? I deserve a fucking OSCAR for keeping my shit together during that time. And for whatever it is worth, JS’s presence was the little ray of sunshine that kept me going to my classes and kept me going...FULL STOP. This little crush had become so important to me in so many ways. It is hard to walk away from something that is the one thing that was good in your life.

However, due to his mixed signals and fuckwit behavior, I made (and continue to make) the decision to STOP liking this guy. As soon as I do, he does something that just sucks me right back in. One particular instance comes to mind. He had started to very openly flirt with this very pretty girl in our class. He just switched seats one day to sit next to her-and just introduced himself to her. Whether he was flirting or being his usual self (a later blog post will cover this-as it is a problem), we don’t know. But, I will err on the side of caution and say that he appeared to be macking hardcore.

The girl in question was pretty, no doubt about it, and clearly used to male attention. She would not have even given JS the time of day, had it not been for the fact that he knew someone that could further her career. His best buddy from high school is a very well known public person. We’ll leave it at that.

All of a sudden, she became best buddies with him-and consequently, me, because she knew that I knew him. She started accompanying me (unwanted) on my walk to the train station. Yuck. She would go on and on…and ask me questions about him. Given that she was about a gazillion times prettier than me, combined with the fact that JS and I had not spoken for a few days, I decided to quit the field. She knew she was pretty, too—and I am sure she knew that I was gaga over him, and thus, went on about him. I am NOT being a hater-bitch, but she was vain! And I soon found out why.

My opponent in the game of love, vying for the affections of the yummy JS was none other than a former Miss America contestant. I kid you not. She was a Miss America contestant…went to the pageant and everything; the caked on make up, the hairspray, the show-dog like parading—the whole tiara, so to speak.

It was too fucking unreal to even be bitter about—like something out of a bad teeny- bopper film, that, though painful to watch, is just too outrageous a situation to resist laughing about. Except that it was real life- MY life- and the fact remained that the fun girl will NOT get the guy over Miss America. No fuckin’ way! Even I, who have been deluded by Hollywood, and even worse, by BOLLYWOOD, was smart enough of a Gluco biscuit to realize that it was too situational comedy for words, and that I should just exit with as much dignity as I could muster, and try to find something else to smile about.

Except that JS surprised me. No sooner did I begin to studiously ignore him…didn’t even glance at him or anything for days, (Note-did not exit with dignity, instead resorted to Plan B-being pouty, resentful ice maiden), than it was Miss America who was getting the blow off. After being deprived of the Minx-love, he did his dripping-with-honey sweet best to kiss up to moi. Needless to say, it worked! He was a sweetie pie, but with mixed signals always. Long story short? Nothing happened. We took the exam…and that was that. The end? Not if I, (with the help of my fairy godmother, Batwoman), can fuckin’ help it!

Now, the lovely friends think I am fabulous; they love to convince me of this when I am weak. They inflate my sad, deflated ego-so that it swells to become a big, bright, red balloon. Even when I don’t stand a prayer, my friends remain convinced that I can, and do, perform miracles. They think nothing and no one is out of my league or grasp. They delude me into being more self-confident than I really am…and for this I am forever grateful. I have bagged many a babe and cool jobs/opportunities as a result.

So, I had gone, after Bar Exam hell, to booze and whore in not-so foreign lands. I went to visit my gorgeous bombshell of a friend, Batwoman, to combat post-exam depression. She had heard the daily play-by-play of my sad life and had the skinny on all the he said-she saids throughout that two-month period and was convinced that JS was as deep in smit as I was. She, through a daily assault of love, affection and “you are a superstar” dialogue, managed to lift my spirits and hopes, and I began to dream those Bollywood Dreams of getting the impossible guy.

I succumbed to her and she managed to convince me to write to him. Was casual-nice-but ambiguous. Not the overt, “Please let me fuck you senseless”, type of email that one would expect of me-but subtle. Did he write back? Did he?

You bet your boots! I told you he was a nice guy…didn’t I? But he did very unambiguously say that he was not looking for a relationship. Fine. I am not either; but would he be open to being a Chew Toy for an outrageous minx in heat? Maybe not. At this point, I was willing to have someone just rescue me from the boredom that seems to permeate my home like a noxious gas. It went from lust to bust. But I didn’t mind.

But I WAS helped along in my endeavor of getting to friendship by a rather disturbing line in his email. I don’t recall exactly-but the words “pray” and “lord” were used—which is enough to send a stake of fear and terror through the heart of any swinging gal! I’m serious. There was no better way for JS to yuck my yum than to bring religion into it. Being spiritual is fine, and religion in moderation is okay, maybe even endearing. But for anyone to use those profane words with a stranger is unnatural, wrong, and just downright frightening.

Even during my NYC days (sniff, sniff), the scariest, most nightmare-inducing persona that the city had was the Hallelujah man. He, dressed in his severe starched suit and tie, would set up shop on street corners and repeatedly, in his unrelenting staccato boom, yell out “Hallelujahhallelujahallelujah!” all the while glaring at you with his unblinking eyes. He did not blink. Ever. Nothing is scarier than fanaticism exhibited, except maybe clowns…who are scarier…but we’ll leave the clowns out of this.

Based on my phobia, then, you can understand why my instinct cried, “no way, no how”. Cow-lashes and kiss-blowing be damned! I decided wholly against writing back to the potentially Bible thumping JS. But the ever-persuasive Batwoman remained convinced that it was an innocuous remark targeted more at my Dad’s speedy recovery, and not an indication that he would use sweet nothings to turn me onto sweet Jesus…which segues nicely into my next point of confusion. How do we know it WAS sweet Jesus to whom he was praying? WHAT RELIGION WAS HE???

Now, I know I haven’t given enough info about JS to let on what ethnicity, religion, etc. he is—for reasons of protecting my own ass as well as his. But, we know this much: JS is definitely one of the “people of the book”…but I am not sure WHICH book. One of two bestsellers: the Bible or the ever-popular Quran. It is all so confusing, because his full name has elements of BOTH in it. Leave it to an Indian to try to figure out what a person is by their name, right?

His first name is as Christian as it comes, Middle name is pretty fucking hardcore Muslim (we think), and Last name, oddly enough, could go either way. It is not the kind of thing one asks over email. It should not matter, and it really doesn’t, because I am crazy about him either way. I can’t shut that shit off. And, given our nonexistent relationship, it doesn’t matter in the slightest. But…

I’d be lying, to say it doesn’t matter. Let’s face the facts. One part of me is praying to Jesus, Allah, Ganesh and whoever else that he is not Muslim. Not for my sake...but for his own.

Given the history of India, and Hindu fanaticism and bigotry, even I, outrageous minx that I am, would think twice of bringing home a Muslim boyfriend. Bringing a boy would be bad enough. A boyfriend? Even worse. Add Muslim to that fire, and it becomes fucking TNT! Luckily, my parents, kooks that they are, are still cool enough to accept anyone I bring home. I wouldn't be disowned or the like, but let's say that smooth sailing would not be in the cards.

Nowadays, in America, it has become very ho-hum, even boring and commonplace for Indo-chicks to marry nice, respectable White Christian or Jewish boys. The Jewish boys have the same values of family, education, community (or so they say) and more shit is to be expected by the overbearing Jewish Mommies opposing their non-Jewish, not-even-Shiksa(!) daughter-in-laws, that Indo parents can’t compete.

Marrying Christians is seen as a necessary evil for living in this country—like a virginal (and not so virginal!) sacrifice to appease the Gods of this country, to ensure wealth and prosperity in this foreign land. How many times have you heard some Uncle lament, “We paid the price of success in this country with our children!” Fucking get over it, Uncle!

But see, Muslim—ah, therein lies a HUGE problem. In many cases, the Muslims in question probably have more in common with Indians, culturally speaking, than any of the other “gora” cultures (unless British goras-who are, for all intensive purposes, more Desi than 99% of ABCDs in America). ** (for those of you not down with the Indo lexicon—gora means “white” and ABCD stands for American Born Confused Desi. Desi means “countryman”).

The Arabs, Persians and definitely the supposed Lex Luther to India’s (haha) Superman, the Pakistanis, all share so much in common with Indians. But, yet, these are exactly those who are on the blacklist of Indian parents everywhere.

Independent of religion, merely being ASSOCIATED with a Muslim country, would be a ground for rejection. For some, an Arab or Pakistani Christian, or a Persian Jew is tantamount to bringing home a mullah from Palestine. ‘Tis guilt by association.

Any girl who truly loves her man would think twice about subjecting any poor guy to the open hostility and hatred that is inevitable from the Indian community. It is sad. It is the worst form of racism to prevent yourself from even DREAMING of being happy, because of fear. I, for one, like to think if I truly loved someone, that I would overthrow all cultural taboos for the sake of happiness. Is the American way!

In the case of JS, (remember him? We digressed a little there!)…Even without the additional problem of his religion, I would still be royally fucked if my “rents” got wind of this. His ancestry is definitely on a blacklist somewhere, since not Hindu and Indian, but neither that, nor his religion would be the problem. For them, this would be slumming it to the Nth degree, based on WHO and HOW he is, not so much WHAT he is…It would petrify them to their suburban dwelling, non Hip-Hop core to even think of someone like JS as a potential suitor/friend/space sharing being for their daughter.

Just given his thuggish ways and his less-than-squeaky-clean past(he has alluded to it in emails. Yummy.), I would hesitate even daring to dream about him. But even then, I think he could make a great impression. The thugishness is not who he is. He is a lawyer and a highly driven person. He finished law school in two years, passed the Bar like me (Yay!) and is very ambitious. His family is respectable and educated (Dad was a lawyer before, brother is a film maker), and he is cultured and knowledgeable.

His Dad was also an immigrant to this country. He is politically liberal (Dad would be equally as mortified if I were to bring home a Bush supporter. Would be disowned on the spot) and opinionated about world affairs.

I am intrigued by him and I want to know him more. He is, by birth and upbringing, very much a part of one culture. But is also a completely different person because he chose to be. He is super sweet, and thoughtful, but at the same time, strikes me as being a playa and an unrepentant flirt. I want to know more…but you know what they say about curiosity and cats…perhaps some mysteries should never be solved. For this minx doesn’t have nine lives to squander.

Friday, June 25, 2004


So a little bit more about DMX. I haven't fully dealt with the residual bullshit that any long-term relationship leaves behind when it ends. Given that, my ranting is going to erratic, emotional, and pretty raw--so be forewarned. Please do not operate heavy machinery...Humor will, as always, make cameo appearances, but know that I am still devastated by the lingering questions of what the fuck happened. Given that we never talked about ending our relationship or why he never proposed, there are many question marks that continue to loom over my head. I am learning to deal with the fact that I may never know the reasons, and I am just adding those to the list of things that I don’t know—like why Christians worship the son of God, and not the head honcho himself. I just won’t ever understand.

So-DMX and I met in college—that is to say, I was in college and he was a Grad Student. He was a good friend to me—no thunderbolts or electricity—he just was THERE when I had gone through a succession of men and had gotten fed up with dating. But to say that I was with him out of convenience would not be accurate…I did love him. But a small part of me always felt that he was the lucky one and not vice versa. Many others agreed.

He did start off a completely brilliant and affectionate boyfriend. And did he look good on paper: Indian, PhD, good job…fine, my parents found fault with him (a couple of things which I can’t disclose here)-but for the most part, he was an Indian parent’s wet dream.

Things seemed good—it even went as far as meeting both sets of parents, and suggestions of kids, marriage and the like by mine. He stood by me (not really-but so he claims) when his parents basically rejected me outright. Now, I am as good of Indian girl as you can find anywhere. Am fluent in several Indian languages, do Indian dance, can cook, and am mad respectful—shit—I am an Indian parent’s wet dream!! So they had nothing to bitch and moan about. So-I very understandingly said that we should call it a day and be friends, so that his parents wouldn’t disown him.

In true Hindi film style, he stood by me (though no hard labor or borrowing money from local Bania usurer was required). But he never told me (until much, much later) what it was about me that they hated so much. Of course, like any neurotic girl, my imagination and every self-loathing part of me went into overdrive and I let it destroy me. That was the beginning of the end.

Other things happened in rapid succession that led to what I call D-Day. There was his moving and deliberately leaving me behind in NYC (when I could easily have gone with him), my 3 months of staying with him-only having to move out after month 1 because his father decided to come and stay (and then his not helping me find another place to live), and then, of course, the fact that through it all he refused to talk about anything relating to the decline of our relationship or even to be decent and end things.

D-day was June 15th—the day we had decided on as the day by which we would be engaged. We had decided on this three years earlier, when I started law school. I moved to where he was so I could make things work and renew our love for each other, stupidly thinking that all the problems were caused by distance—when in reality, the distance was the only thing that was keeping us together. Up till the target date, I was not so subtly dropping hints about it: posting Tiffany’s ads to the computer, designing rings on the DeBeers website and emailing it to him. I was hardly being coy. His response to all this, you may ask? A smile.

Now, ladies and gentlemen of the jury—what the fuck would any normal girl think? That he was going to propose, right? Well, it didn’t happen. Why didn’t he TELL ME that he wasn’t going to do it—instead of building up my hopes? Good question…and I don’t know. This person, who was supposed to love me and care about my feelings, put his convenience above and beyond my every happiness. He just couldn’t do it, he said that he was scared to tell me that he couldn’t.

The version changed, eventually, and I somehow became the reason for the phantom proposal. Everything got blamed on me intermittently, and I ate it all up like some starving pig wandering the streets. I ended up hating myself for shit that I KNOW that I didn’t do. And he got off scot-free. I stayed for a while—eventually left in September for good. I was in contact with him-trying to work things out till January. Then he did something that broke the proverbial camel’s back. My beloved Dad had a heart attack and my whole life was again thrown into a tailspin.

I already had enough on my plate, what with a broken heart, trying to still salvage a relationship, convincing my parents that DMX was still worth talking to, taking the bar exam and trying to find a job. My safety net was snatched away and I had to rely on my own balance and poise to get me through it—no wingmen or anyone to hold my hand. Mom was a wreck, and brother, though nice, was still worthless in every way. It was at that moment that I needed my friends, and the first person I called was DMX.

He was great at finding flights for my brother and doing the nuts and bolts types of things, but, as usual, he was bolting at the thought of providing moral support. He was emotionally unavailable, and then made himself physically unavailable. Forget about coming down to be with me during this hard time, he decided to call me and tell me he was going to the movies. This, of course, while my Dad’s life was still hanging in the balance.

It was unforgivable-and a blow that struck me down and threw me hard across the wrestling mat. It became clear what I had to do—I had to throw in the towel before I got knocked down. I was bloodied and battered and pretty much reeling from the blows…but I had some fight left in me yet. But it is the winners who know when to fight the good fight, and when to walk away. I preserved my energy to fight the demons in my head and ran away from the losing battle with DMX.

We are taught that love is worth fighting for and that relationships are worth dying for-but not at the cost of killing off who you are and what you stand for. I was not willing to kill off my soul for someone who didn’t share my values of friendship, dedication and loyalty. This man would sell his mother into slavery if it meant him getting ahead in his career. And he was not what I wanted or needed in my life. I made the choice: fight the losing fight or walk away? I RAN.

It took my Dad’s ailing heart and DMX’s lack of one to get over my broken one... (EPILOGUE: Dad is doing great and so am I--can't even tell anything happened...amazing how much you can heal when you open your heart up and clear out the bad stuff...)


Given that this blog started out as a posting of emails sent to the lovely friends, it has come to my attention that many of you are NOT privy to the inside 411 of my life. And, as amused as you may have been by my daily rants, much of it may not have made much sense out of context. Besides, with a little bit of background, I may come off as more than just an embittered old bag-and some of you may even get where I am coming from.

So, these next postings are for those of you who need to get caught up--so consider this the "rerun show" marathon to clarify postings from before and those to follow...even madness needs a context.

This is the deal: I am 27, Indian-American, and completely fabulous. (Though this too is variable—depending on how I feel at the time. And is, thus, a dynamic state). My friends (to whom I dedicate this site—in particular, The Pup and The Parrot) love me and I love them...they serve as soundboards, guidance counselors and the foundation upon which I have built my crazy life. Lovely friends--feel fee to chime in and add your own two cents about what makes me tick. Send them to me at my email address-and I promise to post them in their pure form.

Though trained as an attorney (yes-hate me, if you must), I truly cannot get behind it as the career of my calling. I am waiting for something to happen--not sure what exactly-but all I know is that I will have the right attitude when it does, not to mention the right handbag! I come equipped with a wardrobe of funky t-shirts and bags, not to mention an optimistic and sunny attitude. I am probably the last person you want to see on a sleepy Monday morning. Seriously, my natural state is hyper and chipper-and I am surprised someone has not shot me yet (a la “Tell Me Why I Don’t Like Mondays”).

Life seems to erupt around me and I welcome most of it in stride. I consider myself to be extremely lucky, in spite of the bullshit life has tossed at me-and I am the kind to bounce back easily. Ain't nobody gon' hold me down!

Given all this, it is time to fill you in (in brief) on the not-so-good events of recent explain the prior postings:

So-until January-I had been in as long term of a relationship that can be managed by a gal in her 20’s—about 6 years!! I was planning on marrying this guy-in spite of glaring problems and constant pleading from lovely friends to leave his dumb ass. I even moved and left my true love (New York City) to be with him and give the relationship one last shot. Needless to say, bad went to worse pretty damn quickly.

The dreaded, miserable ex (DMX from now on) broke my heart and my spirit for some time...changed who I was temporarily (NEVER AGAIN!! Must be Scarlet O'Hara about this!) and made me siphon off parts of myself that I love: my exuberance, animated ranting, and childlike fascination.

But like I said before, I can bounce back from almost anything. I will cover DMX and the problems in a later posting…but suffice it to say that I was in bad shape before I left. I had given so much of myself to him that I barely had enough to recognize myself anymore. Luckily, the lovely friends were there to help pick up the pieces and loan me some parts of my former self to build on. It was cloning at its best.

So, I returned…heartbroken, confused, jobless and hopeless to the one place where reality is forever suspended: my parents’ home.

The “rents” are a crazy duo: Mom is a fulltime Mom (the term housewife, quite frankly, is so limiting). Clad in her sari and bindi, she is forever doing some puja or fast, while the rest of us continue on with our blasphemous, Big-Mac eating ways. The woman is a menace to all in her path: she speeds like a maniac, and shopkeepers go running when they see her approaching: coupons in hand and determination on her face. No one can get the better of her. You are royally fucked if you even try. She drives me crazy, but amazes me sometimes with how understanding she can be at times.

My Dad is a doctor and is as idealistic as me. He is always coming up with outrageous schemes for what to do with this parcel of land he has in India. Mind you, he has been plotting for about 20 years now-but a man can always dream. The latest is to build a wedding hall of sorts and rent it out to wedding parties. I wouldn’t be surprised if an extended family of five brothers has already set up shop there and procreated to make sure that their squatter family can at least outnumber us by 4 to 1 and beat us to a pulp.

I also have a brother-but I don’t really like him-so we’ll just leave him out of it, shall we?

Anyway-I returned to the house of discontent and insanity to recover from a broken heart. Needless to say, that was not to be. I do not think of DMX too much (which is good) but those musings have been supplanted by other irksome thoughts. I have regressed to my teenage years; complete with the nosiness of parents, maddening references to cleanliness (or lack thereof) of bedchamber, and even the sneaking of liquor contraband to my room. It has me wondering: do we ever really escape our past?

It is suspended, waiting on a shelf, to be picked up, dusted off and ready for us to place ourselves into. My life as I knew it-as part of an “us” or “we” was officially over-and I had to return to the “me”. My new life, though, was not so new after all. As much as I didn’t want to return to the period of my life that made me feel inadequate and caged, there was something comforting about knowing that some things are constants in your life. And though I feel a sense of desperation to return to civilization (namely-anywhere away from parents) I feel that my rebirth has to be complete by returning to the womb.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004


The UN Convention Against Torture should include a provision against bullied against one's will to go to
hindu temples! Am being forced by parental units (who am i kidding?--is solely the work of insane maternal figure. my father sure-as-HELL wouldn't mandate such an ludicrous proposition) to wake up at a thoroughly ungodly hour (6 am!and that too on a SUNDAY--the day of rest. the beasts!) and go to TENNE-FUCKIN'-SEE to the ganesh temple there.

why the 80 local temples won't cut it is beyond me--but they say it is dangerous to question a woman possessed...apparently we just indulge her and try not to be too cynical. am using last hours of freedom to make contact with loved ones. sigh.

much NOT TO REPORT. went to the film screening today--many films were great...and j.s.'s brother's film ROCKED! IT WAS HILARIOUS! truly was relieved--so that if comment is forced out of me-i don't have to lie and say it was good--can be enthusiastic-- genuinely :-) really-it was good-if you get a chance to see it-you should. it won for best film- so it will be my city's selection in the national competition. yay.

needless to say, j.s. was MIA...but brother was there, with gf in tow. he is cute...and they were cute...and they look kind of alike-j.s. and brother, not brother and gf :-) anyway, j.s. is (sad to say) infinitely hotter than the brother and probably the looker in the fam...too bad i will never get a piece of that. i know, i know--defeatist attitude will get you nowhere--but am confused by fuckwit behaviour. will ask for advice later in email. but am glad that i went to the films.

though, alas, the cuteness of today was all wasted. i cleaned up quite nicely today--was wearing skirt and shoes of the last time we met--and a cute babydoll tee which states (in the same lettering as the infamous "i love ny" t-shirts)..NY LOVES ME. was quite the ensemble--casual, yet very cool.

one weird bit--i literally almost ran into the brother...and he looked at me with a puzzled face. meaning--he glanced at me--then proceeded to look
intently at me, as if he knew me or was trying to place me. weird. i proceeded on-but turned around to look--and he had also turned to look...very weird...was not in that skeevy "checking you out" kind of way either--just curiousity or something...if any of you have insight...please share...

then, saw him outside--i was on the phone--he came out to smoke a ciggie.
he looked then too--and then last time was when i came out of the bar down
the street and he and his crew were coming in. bizarre....must run in the

anyway-also found out i am sicker than originally thought (don't know if i
mentioned that i have been ill since return from nyc). turns out that some horrid bacteria or something is residing inside me--must take antibiotics for TWO MONTHS. this only confirms what i have suspected all along. am truly allergic to self. knew it was only a matter of time before even my body decided to stage a coup and revolt against me.

so-i'd be lying if i said i wasn't disappointed that j.s. wasn't there. i knew it was a longshot-but still, a girl can hope. maybe it is b/c it is so loaded...just what he represents. i know i should just reduce him to being a normal bastard male--but seeing that he is the sole reason that i didn't call exloveinterest during the "crucial" time, and that he is incredibly sweet at times...i can't help it. his contacting me to go out represents a new beginning--and now even that doesn't seem to be happening. sigh.

besides, he gets my pulse racing--and i have NEVER been such a teenage girl (even when I WAS a teenager) around anyone. I also just want a friend...someone to hang out with every now and then. i miss new york...over there, i would have to schedule time to just be at home...I am trying not to be too despondent. but why the fuck hasn'the written?

it has been 9 days. so--advice time: should i write? just say "hi-saw your brother's film. it was great/i loved it/ etc. congrats to him-bye? or should i just let him write since i was the last to write.

i am pretty sure he will contact me again--he has done this now three times already--disappears and resurfaces. but why say 'let's go out' if you have no intention to do so? sigh. just want to tell him off--either meet up or get lost. easier said than done though--everytime i get him out of my system--i get sucked right back in again...and right now there is no one to really replace him. i mean, there are guys i am talking to and stuff--but no one who i am interested in. there was ONE person who i had a spark with--but is pretty much a no-go b/c of several reasons.

perhaps antibiotics will also purge my mind of all toxic feelings i have against self? you can get rid of the nasty buggers, but methinks the toxicity of the mind the end of the day, we are our own worst illness.

signing off for now. feel pity for me.


(ps---sorry to those of you who are utterly and completely bored by my pathetic lovelife or lack going through a dry spell and hope to be active again!!! am posting b/c lovely friends think i write well)