Okay, so you are wondering what happened, right? Well, I did write back to the quasi-religious email and we continued to email back in forth for a few weeks (we live in the same city, mind you, so it is a bit odd). Nothing even remotely flirtatious; his email manner is formal and professional, at best. So I didn’t mind too much when he disappeared.
One fine week in May, ghosts of the past came back to haunt...people who I hadn’t spoken to in years had somehow all conspired to get in touch with me. JS was no exception. He reappeared into my life almost two months later with a brilliant one liner: “How’s it going?”
Now that the spell had been broken, I was able to be a little more like myself. I replied back saying how his prolonged absence made me think he didn’t love me anymore. The games began. In one of his emails, he gave me the exact address of his office. He has set up a private practice, (a daring move for someone fresh out of school, if you ask me) and I asked him about it. Rather than saying, oh-it is in this part of town; he gave me directions and exact street address. Is he hoping that I send delinquent Indian kids to him so he can defend them? Batwoman thinks it is a not-so-subtle hint to visit…but I am not falling for that one! Many a stupid mistake have been made by girls due to misinterpretation…and I don’t want to be that girl (again!).
After a flurry of yet more emails, JS fell out of my life. Do you see the pattern? That is, until we passed the bar exam. He wrote a congratulatory email, complete with an invitation to celebrate over Indian food, as well as a line promising to reply to my last email in person over Indian food. Since that time, I have been out of town for weeks at a time, and he has been busy or not getting my emails. He had told me about his brother's film (to which I went), but he wasn't there. Turns out, he didn't know that I was going-he didn't get the email. I believe him too, because more trustworthy sorts have complained that they didn't get emails.
Anyway, the last email was sent by me-inviting him to see Fahrenheit 911 (the quintessential non-date date movie for Bush haters!) He replied that he was going out of town to visit family, but added a line saying “another movie or another time?” Methinks this is a blow-off, but others disagree. Would appreciate any opinions. It is now a waiting game again. He will write if he wants to hang out. Ball is in his court now.
In fact, this whole thing is like a tennis match-with both us lobbing emails at each other, hoping that the other will just hit it and take an affirmative step. No one has scored or done anything. And isn't it slightly discouraging to note that when both are at zero--only then is there love on both sides?
I don't know what to think. I wonder why he bothers. He is clearly NOT interested in me in a romantic sense...because he SAID so. But even his prolonged absences over email indicate no interest at all, even in being friends. But then why doesn't he just disappear completely? He has opportunity to do so...and then why keep suggesting that we meet up for Indian food. Am confused. Have lost once mind-blowing ability to uderstand men and how they think. Feel like a superhero stripped of superpowers. I must say that I am completely clueless. Help me!!
Hello Minx,
Was wondering if you and JS have conversed openly saying you yourself are not interested in being anything more than a friend and that you really just want someone to hang out with occasionally?
Too direct? Too non-minx?
Miss OutrageousMinx, my gut feeling is that JS is a lame-ass, indecisive, self-centered loser... does this sound familiar? I would hasten to end all communication with him. From what you blog, he sounds like a user, loser, poser and abuser.
You sound fabulous and deserve someone equally so.
Quoting from your own blog:
" He is clearly NOT interested in me in a romantic sense...because he SAID so."
.. it sounds like you, on the other hand, are infatuated by him and would like to believe otherwise? Don't mean to be harsh but just want to tell it like i see (read) it!
Miss Minx- Dump both of them! They both sound like losers to me. You on the other hand sound like you are extremely intelligent and deserving of someone far far better. You dont need this rubbish in your life.
Good luck.
By the way- You really write well!
Have posted response on blog so I can reply to you, en masse.
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