WHOA!!! My, my, and MY!! Quite the flurry of activity re: the JS saga posting. Minxes of the world unite!! Am pleased by the outrage pouring forth at my misplaced choice of amorous admiration! Am truly touched that you all care. Well-to answer some questions/address concerns.
1-yes-have told JS that am not interested in him as a love interest. Replied to intial email with "so-I guess I should hold off on ordering the wedding dress then", followed by saying that I just was asking to hang out as friends and not otherwise (which is true). Have been a straight shooter and matched him (as much as is possible for someone with my wit) in boring formality of emails.
Though I find him extremely attractive and fascinating, I am very easy going about that type of thing. And am in NO rush to be in another relationship. Am happy to get to know him as a friend, as am wanting to see what makes him tick. Truth told, he reminds me an awful lot of someone I knew and loved in college, pre-DMX. Besides, have not posted info. that indicates that he is as fascinated by me as I am by him. There are other incidents that show his more caring side and his desire to get to know me better. I am not defending him--am still very wary of his duplicity and know that he is a fuckwit and playa extraordinaire. I am not being deliberately stupid...even I can see when a guy is giving the my natural tendency to assume it. Given this, I do think that we can become friends...and good ones at that.
2-He is not as bad as DMX. Yes-I can and will do better than him...and you will be happy to know that he is not the ONLY one on my radar screen. That said, I do have an occasional crush on comes and goes. Also, much of what is written is not so much what I am feeling now-but more to let you know what I was feeling THEN.
I do get sucked in now because I just want to see what the fuss is about... Like most things, am afraid it will be a severe letdown (a la Star Wars prequels)-but it is still something that I need to experience myself. Besides, I need fodder for my column-right?
I also DO want to be friends with him. I have a "once bitten twice shy" experience with a man of exact background and similar flirtatious nature...and he was one of my closest friends. The friend and I also had some awkward moments of should we/shouldn't we--but in order to preserve friendship-we never did. I have been through this before, and have no desire to go through it again. I am encouraged by the feelings that JS has resurrected in me, though, and grateful for his presence during a difficult time. It is comforting to know that I have the ability to love again--and that one can be a teenager at any age. Was a late bloomer apparently.
3-Don't worry about harshness of remarks--this is our space to say whatever the hell we want. I understand your concern about me being into him/infatuated when he is not...but rest assured that I am not going to pull a Juliet over him. I do like him, but am also not going to be devastated at this point if he doesn't write back. I DO get extremely annoyed though when I am expecting a response and I don't get one. This is nothing unique to JS--it is just a pet peeve. I hope I have convinced you-but if not-I promise to be careful. Besides, can one get their heart broken if it is not the heart, but the mind that is more involved?
4-We will wait and see. Fear not my fellow minxes (can only assume you are minxes--due to outrage), I am not as badly off as I may seem. Much is being done for effect, though there are days when I act my obsessive teenage best. I would not, under any circumstances, put myself in a position of being hurt or damaged by a fuckwit like JS. JS is in FL and who knows if/when we will hear from him. Rest assured, though, that if there are any new developments, you all will hear about it.
Outrageous Minx
ps-Thanx for the compliments on my writing. I speak EXACTLY the same way as I write--so if any of you minxes work for sitcoms/newpapers/etc. and need a fresh voice-throw some work my way! Otherwise, please continue to enjoy! I have some new ones coming soon--my mind works much quicker than I can type!
pps-If any of you know fabulous single men who can match me in wit, charm and fun...please send them my way! I promise to be nice...and yes, I will most definitely kiss and tell.
MINXIE baby!!!
You are FABulous, simply fab, dahling. Guess who this is?
Minxie Baby!
Great pen name. Wish I had thought of it. Your writing style - very Helen Fielding (Bridget Jones), Laurie Gwen Shapiro (Matzo Ball..) or Cara Lockwood(Pink Slip), my favorite style.
You sure that attorneying is your calling? Would pursue future in writing if I were you.
As for JS, DMX and whoever else, unless you meet someone who has the balls to come out and say whats on their mind, don't waste your time emotionally, but continue on with the fun, boyfriend of the moment thing..
Love your stuff!
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